High-sensitivity analysis of anionic sulfonamides in capillary electrophoresis using a synergistic stacking approach — ASN Events

High-sensitivity analysis of anionic sulfonamides in capillary electrophoresis using a synergistic stacking approach (#293)

Ria Marni Tubaon 1 , Joselito Quirino 1 , Paul Haddad 1
  1. ACROSS, School of Chemistry, UTAS, Hobart, TAS, Australia

The synergistic stacking approach of field-enhanced sample injection and micelle to solvent stacking in capillary zone electrophoresis was applied to anionic sulfonamides. Electrokinetic injection of the sample in an alkaline and low conductivity diluent was performed for 90 s at -15 kV. Micelle to solvent stacking was done by hydrodynamic injection of micellar cetyltrimethylammonium bromide solution prior to the electrokinetic injection of the sample that also contained 50% methanol. The stacking approach when compared to typical injection provided improvements in peak height and corrected peak area in the range of 500 to 1 000 and 700 to 1000, respectively. LOQs in the range of 0.01 to 0.03 ng/mL that was obtained for sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethizole were sufficient for the determination of these analytes in river water. The success in obtaining acceptable intraday and interday repeatabilities for migration time, peak height, and corrected peak area of 0.50 to 5.0 % (%RSD, n=8) was attributed to the stable coating by successive multiple ionic-polymer layer technique.