(Double tap a session to add to favourites)
Advanced HPLC Method Development Using Quality by Design Short Course
Opening of conference by Peter Rathjen
Plenary Session 1
Chairs: Paul Haddad & Emily Hilder
Welcome Function
Thermo Fisher Scientific Breakfast Session
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Plenary Session 2
Chairs: Edward Yeung & Hian Kee Lee
Morning Tea
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Systems biology: proteomics, glycomics, metabolomics
Chairs: Susan Lunte & William Hancock
Separation selectivity, surface properties and interactions
Chairs: Pavel Nesterenko & Andrew Shalliker
Supercritical fluid chromatography, industrial applications
Chairs: Brett Paull & Roman Szucs
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Waters Lunch Session
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Systems biology: proteomics, glycomics, metabolomics
Chairs: Robert Kennedy & Milton Hearn
Separation selectivity, surface properties and interactions
Chairs: Torgny Fornstedt & Monika Dittmann
Chemometrics, method development, optimization and validation
Chairs: Gert Desmet & Rosanne Guijt
Afternoon Tea
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Tutorial: Microfluidic chemical separation devices with Mike Ramsey
Tutorial: UHPLC with Monika Dittmann
Tutorial: Chiral separations with Michael Laemmerhofer
Poster Session 1
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Agilent Breakfast Session with Ubo Huber
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Plenary Session 3
Chairs: Georges Guiochon & Attila Felinger
Morning Tea
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Advances in column technology
Chairs: J. Michael Ramsey & Guowang Xu
Biomarker analysis
Chairs: Gerard Hopfgartner & Ralf Zimmermann
Ion-exchange chromatography
Chairs: Wolfgang Buchberger & Sebastiaan Eeltink
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Shimadzu Lunch Session
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Advances in column technology
Chairs: Andre de Villiers & Myeong Hee Moon
Chromatography of polymers/biopolymers
Chairs: Peter Schoenmakers & Michael Laemmerhofer
Monoliths in separation science
Chairs: Apryll Stalcup & Knut Irgum
Afternoon Tea
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Tutorial: Column efficiency with Fabrice Gritti
Tutorial: System performance with Gert Desmet
Tutorial: Role of the stationary phase in HPLC with Attila Felinger
Poster Session 2
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Pre-dinner drinks and Conference Dinner
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Electrodriven separations and microfluidics
Chairs: Michael Breadmore & Mirek Macka
Advances in column technology
Chairs: Chris Pohl & Frantisek Svec
Morning Tea
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Electrodriven separations and microfluidics
Chairs: Koji Otsuka & Doo Soo Chung
Multidimensional chromatography and hyphenated techniques
Chairs: Robert Shellie & Fabrice Gritti
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Tutorial: Environmental analysis with Marja-Liisa Riekkola
Tutorial: The nL lab: using droplets in analytical and separation science with Bob Kennedy
Tutorial: Electroseparations with Michael Breadmore
Plenary Session 4
Chairs: Wolfgang Lindner & Marja-Liisa Riekkola