Curtain Flow Chromatography - improve sensitivity and efficiency in HPLC — ASN Events

Curtain Flow Chromatography - improve sensitivity and efficiency in HPLC (#134)

Luisa Pereira 1 , Dominic Foley 1 , Anthony Edge 1 , Dafydd Milton 1 , Harald Ritchie 1 , Andrew Shalliker 2
  1. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, United Kingdom
  2. University of Western Sydney , Sydney, NSW, Australia

Active Flow Technology (AFT) is a new format of chromatography column that yields significantly improved chromatographic performance. In AFT the flow of the mobile phase is dynamically managed as it passes through the column, to eliminate wall effects and minimise solute band broadening, therefore maximising signal response and theoretical plates. In parallel segmented flow (PSF) the mobile phase is managed at the column outlet only, in curtain flow (CF) it is managed both at the column inlet and outlet to create a “virtual” column [2,3] inside the analytical column. The “virtual” column has a narrower diameter, the dimensions of which are related to the volumetric ratio of flow exiting the column through the centre, relative to the flow exiting through the peripheral zones.

The practical advantages of using curtain flow have been described in the literature for fully porous [2,3] and monolithic materials [4]. In the work presented in this paper we report a study comparing the efficiency and sensitivity of several column configurations (standard, PSF and CF) where the columns are packed with solid core particles.

  1. M. Camenzuli, H. J. Ritchie, J. Ladine, R. A. Shalliker, J. Chromatogr. A, 1232 (2012) 47-51
  2. R.A. Shalliker, M. Camenzuli, L. Pereira, H. J. Ritchie, J. Chromatogr. A, 1262 (2012) 64
  3. D. Foley, L. Pereira, M. Camenzuli, T. Edge, H. Ritchie, R. A. Shalliker, Microchem. J. , 110 (2013),127-132
  4. D. Foley, A. Soliven, L. Pereira, T. Edge, H. Ritchie, A. Shalliker, Poster presented at 39th International Symposium on High-Performance-Liquid-Phase Separations and Related Techniques, Amsterdam