Guowang Xu — ASN Events

Guowang Xu

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, , China

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Prof. Dr. Xu, Guowang is the Director of Metabonomics Research Center in Dalian institute of chemical physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From Oct., 1995 to Sept.,1997, Prof. Xu was working at the Universitaet Medizinische Klinik in Tuebingen, Germany under a fellowship from Max-Planck-Institute. In 2004 he obtained the foundation for distinguished young scientists from National Natural Science Foundation of China. He is the deputy-president and general-secretary of Chinese chromatographic society and trustee of Chinese Mass spectrometry Society. Prof. Xu has published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers in journals and holds 20 China patents, co-written 4 books. He is also an editor of J. Chromatogr. B and the member of the Editorial Advisory Board of several international journals including, J. Sep. Sci., J. Pharmaceu. Biomed. Anal., Chromatographia and Metabolomics. His main research field is in chromatography, MS and the metabolomics applications in disease biomarker discovery, traditional Chinese medicines and food safety.