Wolfgang Buchberger
University Linz, , Austria
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Studies of chemistry in Vienna and Linz, Ph.D. degree in the field of analytical chemistry in 1978 at the University Linz, followed by a five year period as assistant professor at this University. Afterwards, employment for a six year period as research chemist at a government research unit in the area of bioanalytical and biomedical chemistry. In 1989 return to the University Linz as associate professor. In 1990 and 1993 a total of two years as research fellow at the University of Tasmania, Hobart. Since 1996 full professor for analytical chemistry at the University Linz. Research interests include organic trace analysis, environmental analytical chemistry, analysis of polymer materials, method development for industrial quality control, analytical separation techniques and hyphenation with mass spectrometry. Approximately 230 papers in refereed international journals. Editor of Analytica Chimica Acta and member of editorial boards of several analytical journals. Currently president of the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Chromatography as a tool for designing better plastic materials for new application areas (#60)
1:30 PM
Wolfgang Buchberger
Chromatography of polymers/biopolymers
Assessing the nanoscale properties of polymer monoliths used for chromatography (#69)
3:00 PM
Tim J Causon
Monoliths in separation science
Characterisation and Application of Polymeric separation capillaries for capillary electrophoresis (#219)
3:20 PM
Wolfgang Buchberger
Poster Session 2