Sebastiaan Eeltink
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, , Belgium
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Sebastiaan Eeltink received his PhD degree in Chemistry (specialization Analytical Chemistry) in 2005 from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. From 2005-2007 he conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, and was guest scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 2007 he joined Dionex and conducted research on packed and monolith column technology for ultra-high-pressure LC, two-dimensional LC, and nanoLC. In 2009 the National Fund for Scientific Research (FWO, Belgium) awarded him an Odysseus grant and currently he holds a position as associate professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Free University of Brussels. His research aims at the development, characterization, and application of novel chromatography materials, including nano-structured monolithic materials and coatings in capillaries and micro-fluidic devices, for ultra-high-pressure and multi-dimensional (spatial) LC-MS separations.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Using contemporary LC theory and technology to improve ion-exchange separations (#51)
10:55 AM
Sebastiaan Eeltink
Ion-exchange chromatography