Huwei Liu
Peking University, , China
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr. Huwei Liu, PhD, Professor, Peking University, graduated with a BA degree in 1982, and PhD in 1990 from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China, then he joined Peking University. He is currently a member of Chinese Chemical Society and a vice president of Beijing Chromatography Society. Now he is an associate editor of Journal of Separation Science and Journal of Instrumental Analysis (in Chinese), An advisory/editorial board member for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Chinese Journal of Chromatography, and other nine Chinese journals. Dr. Liu’s research work focuses bioanalysis and detection, including fundamentals and applications of chromatographic and electrophoretic separation techniques, as well as hyphenated methods such as LC/MS and CE/MS. The application areas cover pharmaceutical analysis, plan hormone detection, proteomics and lipidomics analysis. He is the author and co-author of more than 140 original research papers, several reviews and chapter contributions of the edited books.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Selective enrichment of phosphopeptides by porous SnO2 (#24)
3:00 PM
Liping Li
Systems biology: proteomics, glycomics, metabolomics
Lipid profiling reveals galactosylceramide increasing in plasma of atherosclerotic stroke patients by online 2D LC QToF-MS (#47)
11:20 AM
Min Li
Biomarker analysis
Polymer monolith-based SPME on-line coupled to LC-MS for automated and sensitive analysis of 28-epihomobrassinolide in Arabidopsis thaliana (#66)
1:55 PM
Huwei Liu
Monoliths in separation science