Session — ASN Events
Measurements of food additives in yogurt drinks by a stop-flow two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography method Identification and quantification of Glucosinolates in Sri Lankan Brassicaceae family vegetables Electroseparations Application of UPC2/MS for Comprehensive and Targeted Analysis of Lipids in Cottonseed Extracts A rapid and simple method for the extraction and analysis of encapsulated bioactives Novel UPLC Columns for the Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids and Metabolites in Whole Blood Determination of alkaline-earth metals in complex samples using high performance chelation ion chromatography Parallel Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry for the Quantification of HIV Protease Inhibitors using Dried Spot Sample Collection Format Ultimate Efficiency Unleashed: Introducing CORTECS™ Solid-Core Particle Columns for Maximizing Resolution and Throughput Selective Analysis of Patulin in Apple Juice Using the ACQUITY UPLCH-Class System with the ACQUITY QDa Detector On-line capillary electrophoresis for monitoring protein production of Trichoderma reesei during bioreactor cultivation Exploiting sheath flow chemistry in capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry  Development and optimization of an enantiosselective method for the analysis of nebivolol by capillary electrophoresis A Mix-model HPLC Stationary Phase with Reverse-phase Adsorption and Anion-exchange mechanisms Characterisation and Application of Polymeric separation capillaries for capillary electrophoresis Optimizing the Separation of 20 Nitro-aromatics Using Consecutively, a Phenyl-Hexyl Column with π-π Interaction and a C-18 Column on the Agilent 1290 Infinity Quaternary Method Development Solution Analysis of coffee and coffee products for natural components and contaminates according to DIN ISO methods by HPLC and possible improvements of performance Comparison of online SPE analysis and direct injection of trace level estrogens in drinking water by automated online SPE-LC triple quadruple MS/MS analysis Flavonoid content and composition in copao fruit (Eulychnia acida Phil.): qualitative and quantitative variability between two river valleys of northern Chile Herbal medicines – Identification and Analysis Contemporary Pharmaceutical Methods Development Application of chiral LC-MS/MS to assess SULT 1A3 single-nucleotide polymorphism and the single dose pharmacokinetics of inhaled albuterol enantiomers: Are some athletes at risk of urine doping violations? Determination of pergolide in horse plasma by UPLC-MS/MS for pharmacokinetic applications Multiple approaches for understanding the metabolic changes in chronic kidney disease Liquid chromatography characterisation of structurally similar core shell stationary phases based on layer-by-layer nanodiamond/polyamine architecture