Organic solvent and temperature-enhanced anion-exchange chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry applied to forensic explosives analysis — ASN Events

Organic solvent and temperature-enhanced anion-exchange chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry applied to forensic explosives analysis (#52)

Elizabeth Gilchrist 1 , Norman Smith 1 , Leon Barron 1
  1. King's College London, London, United Kingdom

Ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection is a technique for the analysis of charged inorganic and organic species. Recently, there has been increased interest in coupling IC to mass spectrometry (MS) in order to gather structural information at high sensitivity, especially in the area of trace explosives analysis. Current methods that couple IC to MS often use additional post-suppressor organic solvent infusion pumps to aid in volatilising the eluent during electrospray ionisation (ESI). IC is not generally operated using organic solvents in the eluent itself due to their limited compatibility with some electrolytic devices, reduced detector sensitivity when using suppressed conductivity detection, and backpressure effects relating to the swelling of polymer IC resins. As a result, little is known about any selectivity benefits offered by the addition of organic solvents in the eluent on modern IC phases. Herein, we present, for the first time, the development of organic solvent and temperature-enhanced ion chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (IC-HRMS) using a high-capacity IC resin for a range of forensically relevant low molecular weight anions with high mass accuracy within 5 ppm. Ion exchange behaviour was characterised using 0-50 mM hydroxide and 0-80 % organic solvent (methanol or acetonitrile) in the eluent. Additionally, IC thermodynamics (using 20-45 °C column temperatures) under similar conditions were assessed showing markedly different enthalpies on the same resin. Furthermore, the effects of organic solvent and temperature on IC efficiency, capacity and resolution are presented. Lastly, the coupling of IC to HRMS is presented along with a full comparison of method performance data for suppressed conductivity detection, organic solvent-enhanced IC-HRMS and post-suppressor organic solvent infusion approach. This approach was then applied to the detection of trace inorganic explosives residue in fingermark residues on surfaces typically encountered in forensic cases.