Preparation of Aromatic Compounds in Aqueous Samples with Polymer-Coated Fiber-Packed Capillary and Subsequent Separation in Liquid Chromatography — ASN Events

Preparation of Aromatic Compounds in Aqueous Samples with Polymer-Coated Fiber-Packed Capillary and Subsequent Separation in Liquid Chromatography (#258)

Akira Kobayashi 1 , Yuuhi Mori 1 , Yoshihiro Saito 1
  1. Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan
A novel extraction method for aromatic compounds in aqueous sample has been developed using an extraction capillary packed with a bundle of polymer-coated filaments.  As a coating material onto the surface of fine filaments, a silicone polymer, which is a conventional stationary phase of capillary columns in gas chromatography (GC), was employed.  Packed longitudinally with a bundle of polymer-coated Zylon filaments into a stainless-steel capillary (0.8 mm i.d., 150 mm length), a polymer-coated fiber-packed extraction capillary was prepared.  Sample solution was pumped through the extraction capillary and the analytes were extracted therein.  Taking advantage of the heat-resistant property of the polymer-coated fiber, the extracted analytes were sequentially eluted with a flow of pure water under temperature-programmed control of the extraction capillary.  Using two trap capillaries packed with a bundle of polymer-coated filaments (0.5 mm i.d., 100 mm length) as the interface, the developed extraction system was on-line coupled to liquid chromatography (LC) for pseudo-2D LC separations.  A specially-designed home-made software was also developed for an effective visualization of 3D chromatograms in this work.