High Resolution Separation for Bioanalytics — ASN Events

High Resolution Separation for Bioanalytics (#62)

May M Lee 1 , Egidijus Machtejevas 2 , Mehmet Dogan 2
  1. Merck Millipore, Singapore
  2. Merck Millipore, Germany

Monolithic columns are known for various advantages over conventional particulate columns. The rapid elution, symmetrical peak shape, low back pressure and column robustness have been most useful for the separation of complex samples. With the availability of different bonded phases, there is the option to separate mixtures of a varied nature. In this presentation, we will describe various HPLC analyses that strike a good balance between speed and resolution. We will also describe the use of monolithic capillaries for LC-MS.

Along with monolithic high resolution separations, we will describe an alternative hyphenated technique, TLC-MS for samples that are not suited for conventional HPLC analysis.